“EJC Prefects uphold the mission and vision of the school in words, action, and deeds.”

Prefect Leadership System

All students at Ecumenical Junior College are encouraged to develop a sense of care for each other and the Ecumenical environment. A prefect system helps to ensure fairness in all undertakings; students take responsibility for their actions and also influence the maintenance of a professional classroom environment.

Serious students are encouraged to apply for the post of prefect. They will be selected based on their successful completion of leadership training.

A member of the teaching faculty will coordinate the prefect system.

The following incorporates the work of the Prefect:

  • Liaising with students
  • Liaising with staff
  • Helping to maintain discipline throughout the school environment
  • Fostering a healthy and lively school spirit

Some activities that the Prefect also engages in include:

  • Organizing activities for students
  • Helping out on social occasions
  • Fostering a clean environment
  • Meeting visitors
  • Acting as ambassadors for EJC
  • Representing EJC when required

Prefects are challenged to serve their school and schoolmates through significant contributions in all areas of the school community- admissions, student life, community service, spiritual life, and the overall quality of the school experience. They are also challenged to encourage student ownership and involvement in and of school endeavors.